Setting Goals

Why do we set goals? Goals help us to achieve what we want in life. Goals help break it down so we understand what it is we are working towards. Goals can also give you purpose. There are many things we can set goals for: business, financia, relationship, or personal which can be for your health, fitness, or even quitting or beginning a new habit.

Why is goal setting important?

  • Without goals we can lose focus and direction of what we want to accomplish.

  • Visualizing your end results or what you want to achieve will help you in have clear benchmarks to work towards.

  • Setting goals can help give you confidence and motivation to achieve you vision.

Why do we fail at our goals?

  • We fail at our goals when we are not emotionally invested in them.

  • We make our goals too broad, they are not clearly defined.

  • We lose motivation and confidence.

  • They aren’t attainable, achievable, or realistic.

Develop a guide with powerful actions that keep you motivated and on track.

  • Visualize and be clear about what you want to achieve.

  • Write it down. Writing it down helps you to be accountable and mindful of what you are working towards.

  • Create actions to work on everyday and set realistic deadlines and create a way to measure your success and be accountable. This helps define how you will make a change or reach your goal. Prepare for obstacles and how you will deal with them. Set boundaries and avoid distractions from your vision.

  • Clearly define with a date and be specific about event or numbers so you know when and where this will be accomplished.

  • If the goal is big, set milestones to work towards and reward yourself to continue to your end goal.

A popular concept is setting S.M.A.R.T. goals before; Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timebound. This method may be your preference. Regardless of preference work on setting goals for yourself. It can be used as a time management tool, making time for yourself, losing weight, saving money, and the list can go on. Just make sure you are working towards something. You deserve to be the best you and setting goals can help you get to where you want to be.


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