Self Care

Taking time for yourself is important. We can easily put ourselves last when life gets busy. You do not have to feel guilty or selfish for taking a few moments for yourself. You deserve to give yourself so T.L.C. You will always have you and no one else will love you like you. Learn self love, self respect, and general self care. Your body is your temple your heart, mind and soul. Your physical, mental, and spiritual. Here are some tips for self care that you can start today:

  1. Journaling: Writing in a journal can help relieve the stress you feel when your mind is going in all directions. Do a mind dump. Write it down and get it out of your head whether it is simple worries or your to do list that you are trying track too many things at once. Journaling can also be a way to look back at special days and moments that you want to remember like a diary. However you use it this tool can be helpful.

  2. Bubble Bath: This is both physically and mentally relaxing for me. I love to just relax and it helps if you can have peace and quit. Tell your family to leave you alone and give you however much time you need and just block everything out. I say this because sometimes I am luck to have 5 minutes before someone is knocking on the door asking something. Let them know this is your time.

  3. Read: Reading a book, magazine, newspaper, blog or whatever your preference is just read. I like to read an actual book sometimes to hold it in my hands and turn the pages. I do read a lot of books on my phone, but read something at least once a month that doesn’t have a screen. I know the screen is easier for on the go, but even on a road trip I will have a book packed away somewhere.

  4. Go for a walk: Walking is good physical exercise, but it is also good for you mental health. Walks can be relaxing. I love nature so that is where I prefer to walk. Walking releases endorphins and help relieve stress. I know I need to focus on this more. Take time to go for a walk.

  5. Exercise: Exercise like walking is good for mental and physical health. It releases the endorphins that reduce stress. I need to do more of this myself, but if you do not have access to exercise equipment or a gym there are many ways to exercise at home and use items you already have. The main thing is get up and move.

  6. Meditate: Meditating is good for overall wellness. Breathing exercises are good for relaxing as well as exercising your lungs. I do breathing exercises. I have done meditation before, but it has been a while. take the time to learn different techniques. It helps to calm your heart, mind and soul.

  7. Get a spa treatment: Go for a massage, get your nails done, or a pedicure. This can be a form of meditation for some people. I personally do not get pedicures because I cannot stand people touching my feet, it tickles. I have enjoyed a good facial massage and manicure. I used to work as a manicurist and I am not a supporter of artificial nails. Sorry I have friends who are, but they are actually bad for your nails. I have long nice natural nails. We will get into this at a later date. I recommend staying with a basic hot oil or water manicure. A paraffin treatment can be good to help relax you too.

  8. Find a hobby or a new one: Take up a hobby doing something you enjoy. If you have a hobby build on it or find a new one. Sewing, cooking, hiking, collecting something, the ideas of a hobby are endless. Learning a new skill could turn into a hobby. Just find something for you and enjoy doing it.

  9. D.I.Y. or crafting: This is a type of hobby you can do. It can be fun to create something new for your home. You can use this time to create something for yourself. Make yourself a foot stool or even a coaster to set your coffee on as you read your book. Simple fixes around the house can be self care. Repaint your bedroom to a color that helps you relax and that you enjoy. This may sound more like work than self care, but if it helps you relax it’s a way for you to care for yourself. I know when I am really stress I clean, like scrub floors clean sometimes. It’s a way I cope. Usually that is a major upset like a death or something really bad has happened. Also when you are on the floor scrubbing by hand, no one bothers you.

  10. Talk with a friend or counselor: Sometimes self care involves others. Talking with a friend and vent sometimes can help. If you have anxiety and/or depression that you need help coping with then call a professional. Talking to a counselor may help if you are unable to control these emotions yourself. Don’t let them slow you down or stop you from enjoying life. Love yourself enough to know you deserve to be happy and enjoy life. If you are struggling or continue to struggle with anxiety or depression seek professional help. You deserve to be the best you.

Self care is important for your physical and mental health. Please take time for yourself and implement one of these tips or come up with your own. You deserve to take a moment to focus on you. Give the kids a book and tell them to read or color for 30 minutes. Self care can involve others if you need. Being a single parent can be hard and you may have little ones you can not just run off and be by yourself. Teach them to enjoy this time for themselves too. Take that bubble bath after they are asleep. Read that book while they are watching a show or taking a nap. You can find a way to make your time.


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