Fishing Day!

Fishing Day!

Fishing Day!

We had a fun time fishing today with the kids and grandkids. There was only one fish caught and it was thrown back due to size and attitude. It was relaxing for us all. The little thing (the fish) almost took the kids paw patrol rod into the water. Paw paw, Edward, dove for it and messed his knee up. From what our grandson, Rowen, said β€œhe was cussing up a storm.” Paw paw casted the line back out and within two minutes caught the little bluegill that ended up peeing everywhere which made him drop it in the dirt as he was trying to get it off the hook. As the poor thing flipped and flopped in the dirt he swooped it back into the lake. The fish found its freedom and paw paw had grandma to fix his knee and bandage him up with the first aid kit. Meanwhile, Rowen tells the story to passerby so they know paw paw cussed up a storm and his injuries were avenged by the final catch. Even though the fish is free. Maybe we will see him again. The day was nice and we all enjoyed ourselves as did the little fish.


Life During the Pandemic