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Masks, Schools, and More

Masks, back to school, & the Pandemic

The COVID-19 Pandemic has created a great divide among a lot of people. For most of 2020 we have been living with this and it is rough. Now the great debate is wearing a mask or not wearing a mask. Should we send kids back to school or keep them home? Fears of the economic struggles some families are facing. America needs support from our government, not a battle of the idiots. Whether you are Democrat or Republican you are American. Whether you are black or white you are American. We need to come together as United Americans. Some people need to think outside the box.

Wearing a Mask

Wearing a mask is your choice. We chose to wear our masks in my family. My husband has CML (Leukemia) and also other health issues. Not just him other family member and myself have health issues too. We also do not want the grandbabies getting sick. We live next door, but other than myself and Sabrina (future daughter-in-law) going to work and when we go to the store we are just together and not around others.

If you chose not to wear yours that is your choice, just please social distance. I never liked crowds or others in my business before all of this. I am not starting now. It’s respect. I realize some people are just not educated and they do not care to educate themselves, they just believe whatever they are told to be face value. Research for yourself. Wearing a mask does not hold you down or make you a slave to the man or society conformist. It shows you have common sense. I remember a few months ago reading where a person was shot over a mask. They were being told they could not enter a store without a mask and they shot a security guard. You selfish jerk took a life over a mask. Those are the uninformed and self centered people who need to grow up. How can you take a life that easily over something so simple? I think that you may have some issues that require professional help.

Wearing a mask is not going to be 100%, but your birth control isn’t either and you continue to use it. You don’t have to wear it from the time you get up until you go to bed so wear it when you are in public or entering a store or business. Also please social distance always with or without a mask. There are people that are just now deciding that washing your hands is a good thing...remember that. Social distance.

Reopening Schools

Reopening schools we knew would come. I think that we know that COVID-19 will be around for a while. They are still learning about this virus as they scramble to find a cure, vaccine or treatments. Having our kids risk being exposed in school every day is a bad idea in my book. I fear for those who are sending their kids back to school. What will happen when a class and teacher have to be quarantined. For the younger children being in and out of the classroom I think will get too confusing for them. I think keeping them home is the best plan.

I know a lot of parents work and they do not have a sitter. Maybe you have family or another family you can coordinate with and help each other when it comes to child care. Sometimes it takes a village. I know we help with the grandbabies and my ex and his wife also help. It’s a good thing they weren’t in a daycare that shut down and we are able to help with them. My daughter is an EMT and her job situation has not changed. She plans to homeschool as does my son for his kids this school year. They will be 100% home this year.

My thought is this was bad enough in the beginning they released inmates from jail and prison, but they are ok with sending young children back into a classroom all day. Children touch things and they will not be social distancing. Kids do not social distance. I hope they find a way to make things work, but for this year ours will be home.

United Americans

America needs to unite. There is so much hate that we are fighting each other when we need to make it through the pandemic. Right now there are many Americans wondering when they will be called back to work or if they will have a job to go back to soon. We are all waiting to see what their decision is on the stimulus and funding. I have friends who have lost their jobs, friends who are waiting to be called back, and friends like myself who have been working the whole time. We need funding for families who need to pay their bills, find employment, keep a roof over their head, or just food to eat. I am so lucky, but there are many who are not. Hopefully they will figure this all out and we will make it through this pandemic without losing too many businesses and without homelessness doubling.

Changes do need to be made. There are many problems and issues we have to address and fix in America. Let’s prioritize…. That doesn’t even sound right. That’s my go to when there are so many things to do, I prioritize. We need to take proper steps to make these changes and hope that people will do their job to support or help in making those changes. Just don’t let your fight be over a mask that can help keep someone from getting sick. Respect each other as humans at least, if that’s your level of thinking.

I know not everyone's views are the same. You have a right to yours as I have for mine. I know some wonderful people who have fought for us to have that right. Just remember to respect others, respect yourself, and there are steps you can take for changes that are lawful. We would love to hear your views/opinions on these subjects.

Please contact us through our contact page or leave a comment. We are running polls on our twitter @BlogExplorLife for the next few weeks. Until our next podcast to see where you stand. We would love to hear from you and get your views.

  • Wear your mask...when required if you not all the time in public.

  • Keep your kids home or make sure they are educated on proper protocols.

  • Respect others right to have a voice and views that are theirs. Reunite as Americans.

    I recommend going to the CDC website and check out their information on COVID-19. the website has a lot of great information:

  • What to do if you test positive.

  • Ways to prevent getting sick…….

  • They explain why you should wear a face mask.

  • How to wear a face mask.

  • How to clean your face mask.

  • How to mask a face mask.

  • Considerations of wearing a face mask.

  • Cleaning your home and disinfecting.

  • Social distancing.

  • If you are caring for someone who is sick.

  • Daily life and going out.

  • People who need to take extra precautions.

  • Pets and Animals.

  • Travel during pandemic.

Educate yourself. Take time to read and see what is really happening. You can only make the best decisions for you and your family if you educate yourself and get the FACTS and decide by your personal situation what is best. Always get your facts. Personal opinions are not going to help you make the best choices.