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6 Ways to Declutter and Make Room in 2020

This is a post I had posted earlier on another blog.

The holidays are over and it's time to go back to regain some normalcy and integrate our resolutions and changes. Gather some boxes for donations and prepare to declutter.

  1. We all dread (I do) taking the holiday decorations down. I am so happy to get them out and it seems like it takes twice as long to put them away. While taking them down check for broken or damaged items. Also think about decorations that may be out dated or you may not use for the next year. If you plan on fixing the damaged decorations set them aside and do so within the week. Items you do not want anymore put them in the donation box. Even outdated items may be someone else's treasure.

  2. If you have children and they received toys, board games, video games, etc. that will be the next stop at filling the donation box. Depending on their age have them help you decide on what they want to donate. If you have older children who received video games they can take old games they do not play or want to a game stop or donate them. Games stop, game exchange or another store in your area they can earn store credit or sell them for cash and the games will be used instead of going to a landfill. Baby, toddler, preschooler and grade schoolers may have toys they have out grown. These items can be donated or taken to a consignment store such as once upon a child.

  3. Clothes and linens that family members may have received should be replacing an unneeded item. Go thorough dressers and closets and donate items that  have been outgrown, items that are not needed or that are damaged. These can be donated or sold. This is a great laundry day chore.

  4. Kitchen. Mugs and kitchen sets are great gifts and you may have received a few. Take time to go through cabinets and purge unwanted items. I know I can acquire a large mug collection over the holidays. If you received small appliances such as coffee pot and toaster donate the old one. If items are not damaged and work well you can always donate them. Also check for food you would want to donate while in the kitchen.

  5. Digital day. Take a day and clean out your email. When I do this I do not only delete emails I will decide if certain sites I subscribe to are of any value. I will take time to opt out and unsubscribe to unwanted mail. Also January 1st I changed all my passwords and updated information.

  6. Pictures and cameras. Clean up your photos. I am really bad about this and I never take time to print what I want printed. Print out wanted display pictures. Use the time to update social media and desktop pictures. While printing think ahead about Valentine's day, Mother's day, etc. and the pictures you may want to print out for projects or gifts.

When going thorough items remember that donating is always an option. If you can avoid adding to landfills please do. There are families that may need an item you have and they cannot afford it.

Places to donate food, clothes, and toys:

  • Shelters

  • Salvation Army

  • Churches

  • Free groups on social media or apps

  • Freecycle app

To sell items you can have a yard sale or use a social media group or an app such as Letgo, Craigslist is also another place to get rid of unwanted items.

Whether you decide to sell or donate it is better than the landfill.

If you have any tips for declutter for the new year I would love to hear them. Please share thoughts below.

Thank you and make room for 2020!